
Grangemouth A 2.5-2.5 Badgers Brook A

In this game having drawn black on the top boards each time I drew the colours I tried a new strategy and got Andrew to draw them on the basis he might be luckier. This proved a wise decision as he drew white for us on boards 1,2 and 3.


As far as the games went the first to finish was Dougie Will who won on board 4 against John Smith. Then I think David Wallace won on board 5 against Graham Kerr where he seemed to win an exchange and duly converted it. Next to finish was board 1 where Andrew Newton sacrificed a pawn for a very strong attack that proved decisive against John McLay. Then Mark Cooke and Alan Bell drew their game. My game against Graham Hamilton was the last to finish where I had a comfortable spatial edge after which I was able to gain material and convert the ending in mutual time trouble where we finished with less than 3min between us.


We had a tricky journey home as we got caught in a blizzard but everyone got home safely despite my driving skills!


Full results are as follows:


Grangemouth   Badgers Brook
Grade Surname Forename Pnum Result Grade Surname Forename Pnum
2066 McLay John 5168 0-1 2007   Andrew 18930
1979 Hamilton Graham 4238 0-1 1998 McGeoch Kenny 14326
1953 Bell Alan 3166 0.5-0.5 1887 Cooke Mark 20648
1833 Will Dougie 6473 1-0 1622 Smith John 8494
1727 Wallace David 6346 1-0 1580 Kerr Graham 10613
      Total 2.5-2.5        
Thanks to Grangemouth for their hospitality!

